Aloha Florist
Aloha Florist
3814 Main Street
Warrensburg, NY 12885
(518) 623-2261
As a way to relieve the stress of her very busy dental practice, Raluca Sandler spent as much time as she could, working in her beloved flower gardens, both at home and at the office. She was rewarded for her efforts with many awards from the local beautification committee and found herself written up in books and magazines.
She was pleased and flattered, but in her heart like the seeds and bulbs she planted in the ground, was growing a dream. To own a flower shop. Like most people, the demands of her life prevented her from acting on her dream...
“There is nothing like a dream to create the futureâ€
~Victor Hugo
Then one day, along came John Cleveland. He owned a small flower shop which he ran from his home. He had received multiple awards for his floral, wreath and tree designs, but John was looking for a change. So the two of them put their heads together and the dream was born. Raluca’s love of the Hawaiian Islands suggested that the shop would specialize in tropical and exotic flowers. John’s love of the Adirondacks and his 25+ years in floral design assured that the shop would be well grounded in any type of floral design. Hence, Aloha Florist LLC bloomed.
